1. A team can have maximum of TWO participants.
  2. Only participants of Robotics event are allowed to stay in the track zone.
  3. Maximum two teams can use the same robot for the competition.
  4. Track may consist of slopes, mud pools, sand pits, rocks and bumpy roads. The inclination will not be more than 30 degrees. There will be water barrier on track. Make sure your robot is water proof.
  5. The event coordinators decision regarding scoring and judgment will be final. the organizers have the right to change the rules as they deem fit.
  6. The uniqueness of this event is to push the light weight objects along track



  1. The robot should fix in to a box of 30cm x30cm x 30cm. If the robot uses external power supply, it will not be included while fitting the robot in the box.
  2. However in case of an onboard power supply the robot along with power supply should fit within the box Maximum weight of the robot is 5kg (battery weight will be considered if on board).
  3. The robot must be fire proof and water proof
  4. .
  5. The robot should be remote controlled (wire or wireless).
  6. The team must ensure that potential difference across any two terminals must not exceed 24V Robot shall be powered only by electricity.
  7. AC power supply will be provided on demand 12V adapter must be brought by participants.
  8. Use of IC engines in any form is not allowed Robot should not damage the track.
  9. If your robot is wired then the wire should remain slack under all circumstances during the competition. The wire should be properly insulated. The length of the wire must be at least 5m.